Home / Packages & Daytrips / Santiago, Central Chile and the Pacific Coast / Exploring the Coastal Mountain Range (La Campana National Park)

Exploring the Coastal Mountain Range (La Campana National Park)

Travel Type: Active
Duration: 1 Day

  • Tour Description
  • Notes
An early transfer brings you and your tour guide from your Santiago hotel to the La Campana National Park – named after La Campana mountain (1,910m/6,267ft). The park encompasses one of the few protected central regions of Chile that still retains its original flora and fauna. It is home to many animal and plant species of Chile’s central region, though also to those of other regions, which were already studied by Darwin in the 19th century. The park was added to the UNESCO World Biosphere list, due to its wealth of species, in 1985.
The hike leads through an impressive natural forest and a particular highlight are the palm groves here, in the northern Ocoa sector of the national park. Towards the end of spring, the palms begin to show their yellow blossoms that later cover the ground all around them. During summer, green, round fruit grow on the palms that gradually also become bright yellow as they ripen. Towards the end of the hike, you reach a view point with a wonderful panoramic vista of the entire valley.
The return to Santiago is in the evening.
The hike is easy to medium and lasts around 4-5hrs. A box lunch is included.

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