100 k restaurants Chile

An initiative launched in 2014 by the Chilean Association of Chefs (Acchef) created the 100k seal. The project aims to achieve sustainable gastronomy in three areas: Reduce the carbon footprint, create production chains and enhancing the value of traditional, local cuisine.

Recent developments in Chile and worldwide suggest that visitors are increasingly demanding a stronger commitment to sustainable tourism. This is also reflected in the 100k concept, which involves sourcing raw materials from local suppliers within a radius of 100 kilometres or less. This promotes the development of a local identity and efficient use of natural resources. Member restaurants source their ingredients from producers less than 100 kilometres away, which guarantees that 50 % of the ingredients on the menu come from the region.

Now there are already several 100k restaurants in the different regions of Chile, from the north to the south of the country. Especially in the regions of Tarapacá (Iquique), Maule, Santiago & Valparaíso as well as in the Lake District & Chiloé. Some of the restaurants offer accommodation and ecotourism activities at the same time.

Restaurante Espantapájaros

Espantapájaros restaurant

Especially around the famous Llanquihue Lake, there are many restaurants that have the 100k seal and offer local cuisine with a unique view of the Osorno volcano.

The Espantapájaros restaurant is one of the 100k restaurants around Llanquihue Lake.

For more information about visiting a 100k restaurant during your Chile program, please contact your travelArt contact person or send an email to info@travelart.com.

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